welcome to Integrative Vitality Centre

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The Integrative Vitality Centre, a membership-based wellness centre, is excited to feature a 24-panel Energy Enhancement System in Los Angeles County.

Our comfortable and relaxing atmosphere can seat up to 12 members per session. We invite you to sit back in a zero gravity chair, relax, let go, and enjoy the future of self-healing.

"I don’t have any physical pain, but I wanted to try it. I was shocked how good I felt after my first session. My body felt so relaxed, my face was glowing, my brain started to be clearer. It was like I was walking on clouds. In my case I think this system removed all the pollution stuck in my body. The center is a magnificent bubble. Rivka is a 5 stars host. I would recommend this experience to any human being."


"Immediate results, improvement!
A few more sessions and I'll be good as new. I wish I could eat vibrations directly instead of 'food.'"


"Absolute 10 star experience. Rivka is beyond helpful, accommodating, knowledgeable and kind. EESESYSTEMS is making a noticeable difference in both my physical and energetic state. So far, a cyst located on my neck has become noticeably smaller and I feel like I have come back to life, enjoy deep sleep and am waking up rested. I am less stressed and more present in my daily life. Overall, I am feeling amazing!!"


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All rights reserved. Copyright 2024 | Integrative Vitality Centre | 1543 Pontius Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025 | Website by iTech Valet

Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Integrative Vitality Centre does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Integrative Vitality Centre are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. Testimonials are personal observations, not factual information. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician. All sales are final.